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Expert & Affordable Seasonal

Landscape Maintenance In Vancouver

When it comes to seasonal landscape maintenance in Vancouver please give us a call. We can help you maintain a beautiful landscape throughout the entire year from Spring to Fall and even in the Winter. Seasonal landscaping in Vancouver serves up a number of challenges and we can make sure your landscape looks great in any season.

What Is Seasonal Landscaping?

When it comes to seasonal landscaping in Vancouver, Washington, and the surrounding areas, it basically means the type of SPECIFIC care your landscaped property is going to need depending on whether it is Spring, Summer, Winter, or Fall. Not all climates have four distinct seasons, but in Vancouver we do. So seasonal landscaping services are crucial to the health and beauty of your property year round.

Spring Landscape Maintenance

With out spring landscape maintenance services in Vancouver we focus on the following:

Hardscape Maintenance

Spring time is usually a great time to get to work on the deck. You can start with cleaning, fixing any wood that needs fixing, and just general deck maintenance that includes fixing gates and latches.

Garden Maintenance

Spring garden maintenance mostly consist of adding fertilizer to your soil, planting new flowers, pruning and planting roses, removing old mulch and bark dust, and planting new vegetables.

Tree & Shrub Maintenance

Tree and shrub maintenance consist of pruning trees, removing dead unhealthy shrubs, re-mulch ground cover, prune shrubs, make sure ground cover is sufficient, and the planting of new shrubs.

Lawn Maintenance

Spring lawn maintenance consist of repairing bare patches, fertilizing, thatching, aerating, and properly mowing the lawn. With the proper spring lawn maintenance you set your lawn up for health during the summer.

The Best Seasonal Landscape Maintenance In Vancouver

If you are in need of seasonal landscape maintenance services in Vancouver give us a call today. We are Vancouver’s premier seasonal landscape maintenance company.

Summer Landscape Maintenance

Our Summer Landscape Maintenance Services Focuses On The Following

Summer Lawn Care

 A regular interval of lawn mowing and watering of the lawn. De-thatching and aeration, especially during the really hot summer months are a must. Edge trimming.

Summer Trees & Shrubs

Regular watering of shrubs, trim and pruning of trees and hedges, remove dead flowers, inspect on a regular basis for insect and/or disease damaged trees or shrubs.

Summer Gardening

Tree and shrub maintenance consist of pruning trees, removing dead unhealthy shrubs, re-mulch ground cover, prune shrubs, make sure ground cover is sufficient, and the planting of new shrubs.

Summer Hardscape

Paint exterior surfaces of sheds and decking. Stain exterior surfaces of sheds, decks, and fences. Repair cracks in pavers and concrete pathways, maintain all equipment you use.

Affordable Seasonal Landscape Services in Vancouver

Whether it is Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter we can take care of your seasonal landscaping needs in Vancouver. Give us a call today.

Fall Landscape Maintenance

Our Fall Landscaping Services Focuses On The Following:

Rake Leaves & Debris

 Rake and remove debris from your yard so your lawn can flourish. By removing leaves, and other debris, from your lawn you have a greater chance of having a thriving beautiful yard come spring time.

Pull Weeds

By pulling and eradicating weeds in the fall you almost guarantee that you will have less weeds in the spring to deal with. Dealing with weeds is a year round task and Fall is no different.

Seed & Fertilize

Seeding & fertilizing your lawn in the fall is a one of the keys to have a great looking and healthy yard in the spring. Depending on the type of lawn you have, seeding can take place at various times in the fall .

Fall Hardscape

Make sure all irrigation systems are inspected and winterized. Freezing temperatures can ruin any irrigation so make sure the lines are blown out with air. Repair and maintain lawn mowers and other equipment to be used in the Spring.

Expert Seasonal Landscape Company In Vancouver

Seasonal landscape maintenance is crucial to to a beautiful yard. Let us help you have the beautiful yard you have always wanted.

Winter Landscape Maintenance

Our Winter Seasonal Landscape Services Focuses On The Following

Prune Plants

Pruning plants in the winter, especially mid-winter is a great idea. Pruning plants this time of the year leaves only a short time between the wounds of pruning and new growth.

Apply Mulch

Applying mulch in the winter adds extra protection for trees and plants from harsh winter conditions. A generous layer of mulch helps protect roots and lessons erosion around the base of trees and plants.

Snow & Ice Protection

Gently remove snow from plant and trees. Lightly brush snow off of limbs instead of aggressively shaking the limbs, which could cause them to break. Tie limbs together that might have problems with snow loads.

Winter Hardscape

Make sure all equipment that is used to maintain your yard is kept in good repair. Keep your tools in warm dry areas to avoid rust. Make sure any fencing is inspected for damage and fix it immediately it there is damage.

Affordable Seasonal Landscape Maintenance Services

We offer high-quality and affordable seasonal landscape services in Vancouver, Washington and the surrounding areas. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall landscaping services are a must if you are going to have a beautifully landscaped yard throughout the year.

Give us a call today if you are in need of expert seasonal landscaping services in the Vancouver area.



Overall Rating


Vancouver, Wa. – 05/2022


Vancouver, Wa. – 04/2022

We didn’t want a total redesign of our landscpe, we just wanted we had to look a lot better. And this company did exactly that. They took our old worn out landscape and renovated it. The difference, with the same elements, looks amazing. We are really happy with the landscape renovation this company performed.

Caren M. Morales

Let’s Get Started with your seasonal landscape Maintenance.

If you are ready to greatly improve the appearance of your landscape then let’s get started! Our seasonal landscape maintenance services are the perfect place to begin in your quest for a beautifully landscaped property.


Vancouver, Washington 98663


+1 (888) 888 – 8888

